Lineworkers Are Wired for Service
Lineworkers are the individuals who epitomize dedication to service in its purest form. As we celebrate Lineworker Appreciation Day on April 14, this is an important moment to reflect on the essential role they play in our daily lives. Read the full article here.
Three Board Positions Open for New Trustees
Lane-Scott Electric Board of Trustee terms rotate every three years between the nine positions and the four county district territories. Every year, the trustee positions whose terms expire are open to members and incumbent trustees who wish to run for an additional term.
This year, all three trustees whose seats expire are opting not to run for another term. The positions are in the Finney-Hodgeman, Lane-Gove, and Scott-Logan county districts. We need members to fill these important positions!
Electric Cooperative youth Tour and Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp Delegates
Each year, electric cooperatives across the nation sponsor exceptional high school students to attend the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour in Washington, D.C., and the Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp near Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Meet the Lane-Scott 2025 delegates and find out what adventures lie ahead for these aspiring leaders.
Notice of Nominating Committee Meeting
The nominating committee appointed by the Lane-Scott Electric Board of Trustees is meeting for the purpose of nominating trustees to run for election.
Get Outage Text Messages Through SmartHub
Sign in to your Lane-Scott Electric SmartHub account.
Go to Settings, then Manage Notifications.
Select Service.
Choose the phone number to receive texts to.
To add additional phone numbers: Go to Settings, then Contact Methods.
Select, Add Phone
Electrathon Season Underway
Lane-Scott Electric is a proud sponsor of the 2024-2025 Dighton Electrathon team, pictured above (from left): Kacee Davis, Liberty Nichols (coach), Adriana Pascual-Perez, Chris Roberts, Jessica Pascual-Perez and Samantha Shapland. The team will conclude their season in Kansas City on May 5.
On the Farm - Remember Electrical Safety
There are many electrical hazards that exist while farming. Knowing what to be aware of and best practices of how to stay safe around electric utility equipment can save lives.
Take a minute to review this and share with anyone who will be using large farm equipment.
Do You Or a Family Member Have Unclaimed Capital Credits at Lane-Scott Electric?