If you need a line raised for Clearance, call us in Advance. Never attempt to raise a line yourself.
Train Others:
Train anyone working on your farm, including family members and seasonal workers, about electrical hazards.
Safety First:
Have daily meetings to review the day’s work. Know and review where the power lines are, the clearance required and the proper position of extensions as they are transported.
Wait to Unfold:
Remind workers to fold or unfold extensions well into the field, not close to the field’s edge where power lines are typically located.
Use a Spotter:
When working in the vicinity of power lines, always have a spotter on the ground who can direct you away from lines or poles.
Do Not Exit Your Cab:
If your machinery or truck makes contact with a power line, pole or guy wire, you could become electricity’s path to ground and be electrocuted if you step out of the cab.
Call 9-1-1
Call 9-1-1 to have your electric utility dispatched to deenergize the power source. Only exit the cab if your equipment is on fire. If that happens, make a solid jump out of the cab, not touching anything, and hop away with your feet together as far as you can.