What it Means to be a Lane-Scott Trustee
The Board of Trustees is a vital part of an Electric Cooperative. Duties will include setting policies, understanding the financial position of the cooperative, approving work plans, strategies, rates, and any other situation needing trustee attention. Fulfilling a board position is a commitment to a three-year term, to learning and serving, attending monthly meetings, and representing Lane-Scott at other organizations such as Sunflower Electric, the Kansas Electric Cooperatives, Inc., and other meetings and interests as arise.
The Lane-Scott Electric board consists of nine trustees who represent our eight county service territory. Trustee jurisdictions are divided into four (4) county districts. Trustees must have electric service in the county district. Districts and seats per county district are as follows:
Finney / Hodgeman - 2 seats
Lane / Gove - 3 seats
Ness / Rush - 2 seats
Scott / Logan - 2 seats
The trustee positions whose three-year terms are expiring will be open to nominations to run for election. Incumbent trustees currently serving can re-run for election if they choose to continue their service on the board. This three-year position is subject to election by the membership at the Annual Meeting of Members held in July.
CLICK HERE to see who currently serves as a Lane-Scott Trustee.
Basic Qualifications of a Trustee:
Be a member and bona fide resident of the county or counties the member is to represent.
Using, receiving, or purchasing a cooperative service in the county or counties the member is to represent.
Not having a conflict of interest.
Having not been an employee of the cooperative within the past five years.