Vote by mail-in ballot, online, or at our Annual Meeting
It has never been easier as a member to be involved in your electric co-op and exercise your right to vote! Democratic Member Control is so important to cooperative function that it stands as one of the Seven Cooperative Principles.
Lane-Scott Electric understands that not every member is able to attend our annual to exercise this cooperative right. This is why we now offer three ways to vote for important business brought to the membership. This year, members will be voting on board of trustee candidates to fulfill three positions in the Ness and Rush County District, Lane and Gove County District, and Scott and Logan County District. (See page 12D for the nominating committee report and candidate biographies)
To Vote:
Online: A QR code and website link will be provided in the annual report mailed to all members the week of June 10. The website is secure, and you can instantly cast your vote. You will need your member specific ID and password printed on the mail-in ballot also located in the annual report.
Mail-In Ballot: Included in the annual report is a member specific coded ballot and preaddressed envelope. Ballots must be sent to our third-party election provider where all votes are tallied. Ballots need to be received by our election management service by July 15 to be counted in the election.
In Person: Voting will be available at the annual meeting on July 16, at 6:30 p.m. at the Lane County Fairgrounds in Dighton.