Underground Digging and Professional Excavation: Safety First with 811
Whether you’re digging in your backyard or are a professional excavator, Dig Safe is a critical resource for you. No matter how deep you’re digging, it’s important to get your utility lines marked before doing so. Ensuring safety is crucial, and the only way you’ll know if you’re near a utility line is by getting your lines marked by professionals. Beneath every dig site lies a network of utility lines — electric, water, gas and telecommunications. Striking these lines can cause:
- Costly delays.
- Expensive repairs.
- Service disruptions to the community.
- And most importantly, serious injury or death.
Contacting 811 before digging helps prevent these risks.
Contacting 811
When you contact 811, they will notify relevant utility companies to mark underground lines, free of charge, using colored flags or paint. This process usually only takes a few days.
- The American Public Works Association’s Uniform Color Code for marking utilities is universal and used by all professional underground utility locating companies:Red — electric
- Orange — communications, telephone/CATV
- Blue — potable water
- Green — sewer/drainage
- Yellow — gas/petroleum
- Purple — reclaimed water
- White — premark site of proposed excavation
Best practices for digging
After receiving utility markings, follow these practices:
- Respect the marks. Dig carefully around them.
- Maintain markings. Refresh if they fade or are removed.
- Verify responses. Ensure all utilities have reported.
- Hand dig in tolerance zones. Use hand tools within 18–24 inches of marked utilities.
Remember, 811 does not locate private utilities. Hire a private locator for systems including underground sprinklers, invisible fences, pool equipment, data communication systems or gas piping to a garage.
Training and communication
Talk with individuals helping you at your home. Professionals should train their team on excavation procedures and the importance of contacting 811. Regular toolbox talks before digging can reinforce safe practices and potentially save lives.
Failing to contact 811 is unsafe and often illegal. Many states have laws requiring excavators to use the 811 system and to premark proposed sites, with potential fines for non-compliance.
Your responsibility
Always contact 811 before any excavation, no matter what the project size. Once utilities are located, wear proper protective gear before digging.
Whether you're digging a foundation for a skyscraper or installing a fence post, check before you dig. It's free, easy and helps keep your crew and the community out of harm’s way. Prioritizing 811 reflects your commitment to safety and professionalism. Stay informed, stay prepared, and stay safe!